Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Life now a days

22nd April 2020, 7.19 PM

Currently, life is going on not so good. Full day stack in the room. Doing office work from home. Corona situation is so worse. It may be going on more worst. Today corona detects in 390 people. The total sum is 3772. The summation of death is 120 till today. I talking about only my country in Bangladesh.

Day passing with working office work. After the office talked with mom and family. Chatting with friends, play the video game on the phone. Currently, I am watching Breaking Bad tv series. Preciously on season 3 episode 9. The series is good. There is an interesting story about a drug business. I loved that series. I have some sleeping nowadays. I wish it solved quickly. I want to busy with YouTube videos. But it does not attract me so much. I am good enough for the listening song on YouTube, but not other videos. There may also have interesting content. Sadly I am not used to it.

That's for today. Wish to write here soon. GoodBye.

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